Impacts of the coronavirus


teletravail en temps de Covid-19

The pause in all workplaces except for essential jobs last March took many by surprise. Indeed, no one could have predicted the consequences of this new virus on our daily lives. Whether on our personal or professional lives, new standards have emerged to adapt to this new reality.

Is teleworking really possible?

Until now, some companies have only offered telework to a few classes or job titles. With the advent of the coronavirus, computer technicians and human resources had to be creative to allow all of these employees to remain employed and perform their duties from home. Employees had to contend with Zoom or Skype meetings, secure access that didn't always work, and a slowdown in the completion of tasks, since it was no longer enough to go to the chief accountant's office to get approval, but to submit an electronic form.

 Several companies have also deducted a percentage from their employees' salaries in order to keep their heads above water and to be able to continue their activities. These impacts will have negative impacts on the mental health of employees, which will be discussed in another article.

Will telework be the new reality for the vast majority of the population? Time will tell.

What about jobs where telecommuting is not possible?

Employees in certain fields of employment such as health care or construction have had to make the choice to return to the workplace or stay home to protect their families.

Several standards have been put in place, such as the wearing of masks or visors, the health questionnaire at the beginning of each shift, mandatory hand washing at different times of the day, a reduction in the number of employees in elevators, access to the construction site through a single entrance, and social distancing during breaks.

In short, as long as there is no vaccine available to protect the population, these various measures are here to stay to protect employees and their families. Although for many these measures seem restrictive, they allow for the continuity of their employment and provide them with an income.

By Alexandra Cicci


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